Are You Leading With Your Why...?

Are you Leading with your WHY, rather than what or how?

Julie Hanna is an entrepreneur & CEO turned board director, advisor and investor to a number of technology companies. As Chair of the Board at Kiva, the world’s largest crowd funding marketplace for small business entrepreneurs, Julie is a recognized leader in the growing movement of mission-driven companies that are changing the world at scale.

As our featured presenter during our recent Women President’s Organization (WPO) Regional Event in San Francisco, Julie shared her insights as to what she believes sets Silicon Valley businesses apart from other businesses around the Bay Area and the world. She explained that most successful Silicon Valley businesses lead with their WHY, rather than with their what or how.”  I emphatically agree with the importance of leading with our WHY and have been assisting entrepreneurs and business leaders to explore their WHY in developing their Mission.  As a Certified One Page Business Plan® Consultant, I regularly bring out the best thinking from leaders during the business planning process. Powerful plans are developed through addressing a series of thought provoking questions. One of the fundamental questions asked in developing a Mission Statement is Why does this company exist? Why from the customer’s perspective, do they flock to your business?  The best Mission Statements are those that that evoke emotion and speak to the WHY. Companies attract and retain talent in addition to customers when they lead with their WHY.  Employees want to be a part of something they believe in and make a difference. Customers are drawn to where the WHY addresses their problems, needs or wants. Are you leading from and with your WHY?

Contact Allison Tabor, CPC to arrange a complimentary initial consultation to discuss how she can assist you with your WHY, or 925.876.3161.