It’s Lonely at the Top – Benefits of a Peer Advisory Group
Whether you are an experienced or new business owner, having a peer advisory board or team can make a significant difference for you and your business.
Whether you are an experienced or new business owner, having a peer advisory board or team can make a significant difference for you and your business.
The key is to understand that we all have our own preferred communication styles and one size doesn’t fit all. Understanding your own communication style and that of others can lead to greater success.
Executive coaching sessions can range from being very structured to less structured to allow time for business executives to discuss whatever critical issues they may be facing. Aha moments come during both types of coaching sessions.
Many of my friends and colleagues have expressed interest in learning more about what was shared during the recent Hay House “I CAN DO IT. IGNITE” Conference.
Top Ten Tips for “Couples in Business and Bed Together”.
Does the idea of goal setting overwhelm you? Well perhaps you may be interested in learning about an effective alternative that will take you only 7 seconds to do?
Couples In Business can especially feel the strain on their personal relationship if they aren’t prepared with a plan or have a united response to such business situations.
For some, it’s like an I Love Lucy re-run. “Lucy, I’m home. How was your day?” For couples that work together, it can be entirely different.
It all depends on who you ask.
Keynotes, Breakout Sessions, Workshops, and Company Events.
Facilitating DISC Communication Workshops and Retreats, CEO Peer Groups, Leadership and Entrepreneurial Training.