E-Mails – One Size Doesn’t Fit All: My Back Story to the Wall Street Journal Article, “Email Enigma: When the Boss’s Reply Seems Cryptic”
When considering the importance of effective communication, emails are often overlooked.
You Don’t Get a Second Chance at Making a First Impression!
How many seconds do you think it takes before someone has formed an opinion of you? It may be faster than you realize.
Why Bother Having a Business Plan?
Only 3% of the businesses in the US have written business plans – and yet those 3% control over 90% of the wealth in the US!
DISC in Hiring Helped Save CEO from a $30K Mistake
Communication assessments are highly effective as a hiring tool as well as in assisting individuals and teams to improve their communication and performance.
Are you Leading with your WHY, rather than what or how?
As our featured presenter during our recent Women President’s Organization (WPO) Regional Event in San Francisco, Julie Hanna shared her insights as to what she believes sets Silicon Valley businesses apart from other businesses around the Bay Area and the world.
3 Secrets to Thriving & Working Within a Dysfunctional Team
Team dynamics are complicated! Have you ever experienced a dysfunctional team or family business? Do you consider your business team as family?