From small businesses to Fortune 500 Companies, Allison facilitates virtual and in person workshops, retreats, and mastermind groups, including:
- DISC Communication training for more engaged and collaborative teams
- Work Your ASSets Off®: Stop Working So Hard in Business and in Life
- Peer advisory groups of presidents and CEOs of multimillion-dollar companies
- Entrepreneurship and Leadership

Dana Finegold, Co-Founder of Tart Collections talks about DISC as a team-building experience.
DISC Communication Training Workshop (Virtual or In-Person)
Allison is a certified DISC Consultant and facilitates highly effective, fun, interactive workshops and retreats.
From small businesses to Fortune 500 Companies, leaders and their teams benefit from using these highly validated assessments developed by William Moulton Marston Ph.D., more than 75 years ago. DISC is an easy to follow and highly reliable behavioral assessment, helping people to better understand and communicate with others.
This is a custom designed interactive workshop from ½ day to full day with participating team members from 5-500. The Team will learn about the language of DISC, review individual/team report highlights, as well as identify, rank and share their Communication Do’s and Don’ts. Team members become more self-aware and learn how to communicate more effectively with each other.
Option to include an overview of how to recognize client and prospective client’s communication styles and strategies for integrating their styles to improve customer service and increase sales.
Work Your ASSets Off®, Stop Working So Hard in Business and in Life
Would you like to lead and live with ease?
Do you want to stop working so hard in business and in life?
If you answered yes, don’t miss this session. So many of us go from college to cubicle to casket working hard and yet failing to find satisfaction. When we start to notice it’s not working, we think we need to double down on our effort and work even harder. No pain, no gain, right? But rather than freeing ourselves from this vicious cycle, we get mired in it even deeper.
There is a difference between working our ***es off and working our ASSets off. When you learn how to Work Your ASSets Off ®, you can stop working so hard in business and in life. In this session, Work Your ASSets Off® author, Allison Tabor, will reveal the success secrets of business owners and professionals who have learned how to work their ASSets off instead of working so hard. From her book, Allison will share “12 Truths” to help you Work Your ASSets Off®, so you can live your best life.
Learn about the book Work Your ASSets Off®, Stop Working So Hard in Business and in Life.

The WPO is a dynamic and diverse collective of women business leaders around the world who share insight in groups facilitated to drive game-changing experiences.
For over 10 years, Allison has been a facilitator for the international Women Presidents’ Organization (WPO), leading two San Francisco Bay Area and one National Platinum peer advisory group of women presidents and CEOs of multimillion-dollar companies and was honored with the WPO 2021 President’s Award for Facilitating Greatness.
Moderator: Secrets to Becoming a Woman of Influence
Do you want to be the most influential person in the room? Or perhaps just expand your credibility and opportunities to influence others?
Come learn the habits of influential women that will inspire and guide you to your own success as a woman influencer. You’ll leave the session ready to find your inner powerhouse; cement your credibility; and implement eight habits to become an extraordinary influential woman.
(This program is tailored for women in business audiences. However, there is a version available for general audinces as well; Secrets to Becoming a Person of Infuence).

Hear Allison talk about unlocking the communication code.
Unlock the Communication Code: Understanding Communication Styles & Communication with Style
Do you find it difficult to communicate with certain people?
Have you been caught by surprise at someone’s reaction?
Do you secretly wish that people would just respond they way you’d like them to?
Do you have to sell, persuade or interact with others, including prospective clients, employees, co-workers, boss, vendors or others?
Would you like to experience better relationships; both personal and professional?
Move from experiencing GOOD to GREAT communication, using DISC, one of the most widely used models for understanding behavioral differences in people. Developed by William Moulton Marston Ph.D., more than 75 years ago, DISC is an easy to follow and highly reliable behavioral assessment helping people to better understand and communicate with others.
You will learn about each of the four primary behavioral styles:
D- Dominance, I Influence, S- Steadiness, C-Compliance.
Allison will teach you not only how to identify your own communication style, but also about how to recognize the styles of others which can transform your relationships and results!
Whether you want to increase your sales, gain increased understanding, enjoy improved communication, build trust or earn the respect of others, you will leave with actionable take-aways!
Virtual Events & Workshops

This presenter has passed a rigorous assessment of their equipment, environment, and skills presenting remotely using tools like Zoom, WebEx or GotoMeeting. You can be assured that your virtual event will run smoothly with this Certified Virtual Presenter.
Harry Walker Agency, New York, NY
Allison moderates an engaging interview with Glennon Doyle, activist and author of Untamed.